FAUX NEWS: College Republicans kick off 'Morals Week,' state strongly: "We're not homophobic. Faggots."

Last week the College Republicans held their annual "Morals Week," described by some as "the only week out of the year when they admit to legislating morality." This year the College Democrats also held a Morals Week, which they used to challenge the idea that the Democratic Party has no original ideas of their own.
On Monday the College Republicans kicked off their week with "Red State Day," celebrating the fact that 31 states were "red" in the 2004 election, meaning they voted for President Bush.
"In 2004 Bush won by three percent of the popular vote," said Patrick Tutwiler, President of the College Democrats. "All 'Red State Day' is celebrating is the fact that Republicans are rednecks that live in the middle of nowhere, whereas Democrats tend to live in larger cities where they're exposed to people of other races and last names."
"Red State Day" showcased speeches from seven local and state government leaders and climaxed with Vernon Robinson, a candidate for the US House of Representatives. Robinson, like many major speakers invited by the College Republicans, is against gay rights, something he used much of his speech to illustrate.
The UNCG College Republicans have in the past declined to adopt a stance opposing gay rights, even holding a joint event with PRIDE last semester, but their choice of speakers led some to question the ambiguous message.
College Republican Philip Blattenberger explained, "We're not against gay rights, it's just that most prominent Republican speakers are, and we support their message. I mean, we don't support THE MESSAGE, but we invite them to say it. That is, not to say that specifically, but to say the other things that they say. I'm not homophobic." More
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